Financial services - a strategic model of a business |
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Olga VANINA, managing director of «Murmansk Financial Olymp» LTD There is a limited responsibility society «Murmansk Financial Olymp» which conducts its business in the capital of Polar region and which specializes on providing a wide range of financial services for market participants representing different industries.Financial services are an effective tool which promotes the fulfillment of performance targets of an enterprise that is why the most vantage positions on the market are taken by the companies which devolve some of their production functions to other companies. A professional support of a continuous working efficiency based on a long-term contract is a distinctive feature of a financial service outsourcing. Financial services have a range of distinct advantages. First of all, it is a concentration of administrative efforts on a basic activity of an enterprise. If to consider the tendencies in a professional sphere, mobile companies which start to think over the possible charges, tighten their control over budget, optimize number of employees, reduce expenses on recruitment agencies and personnel training, cut the number of bonuses and get rid of non-core assets, are more profitable. While resorting to financial services for conducting business, it is more important to implement new technologies then to save the same number of employees. If to consider the problem from the viewpoint of business protection and the prevention of bankruptcy, the combination of a smaller number of employees and a high efficiency of expenses can reduce expenses onto 40-60%. «Murmansk Financial Olymp» LTD specializes on providing services for foreign companies, which operate on the territory of Russian Federation or plan to set up a representative office, a sister company or invest capital into a Russian company.
LEGAL SUPPORT Russian Federation legislation consulting Representation of interests in controlling bodies (the Tax Office of the Federal Tax Service and others) Representation of interests in the arbitration court Elaboration of contracts and other documents necessary for operation Opening of operating and foreign currency accounts in banks Registration of representative offices and sister companies BOOK-KEEPING AND TAX CONSULTING Bookkeeping operation and tax accounting consulting in accordance with the current legislation of Russian Federation Maintaining of bookkeeping and tax records Elaborating, settling and handling basic documents Accounting and report presentation to the Tax Office of the Federal Tax Service and funds MANAGING ACCOUNTING OF REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES AND SISTER COMPANIES ACTIVITY Elaboration of operational schemes of representative offices work Elaboration of internal documents (accounts) of representative offices Planning and budget preparation of a company Report and information preparation for companies owners Your company cooperates with its business partner which is a professional and follows all the industrial changes and efficiently manages them. This often cannot provide support to the whole unit within the enterprise. The network of partnership relations is organized as a result of “company –«Murmansk Financial Olymp» LTD - company” scheme functioning. The primary goal of this scheme is stable and long-lasting relations. «Murmansk Financial Olymp» LTD is a reliable partner which has modern technical and data base, a formed cooperation model with customers, and what is more, has an ability to adapt its work to the requirements of its clients. Long-lasting relations demonstrate the reliability of partners and can become the best reference for a potential client. Using the services of «Murmansk Financial Olymp» LTD, a company-customer can reduce the level of expenses on bookkeeping. In addition to that, it should be appreciated that financial services are carried out by highly experienced professionals in bookkeeping, taxation, finances, economy and law, who have a high education and not less than 5 years of experience in the capacity of a financial manager or a layer working on a large enterprise. That is why the risk of possible mistakes in bookkeeping operations and accounts is reduced. Therefore, the possibility of incorrect tax assessment and organization of financing and operating activities in consideration of production specificity, services, trade, building and agriculture is also reduced. «Murmansk Financial Olymp» LTD carries out a document preparation if an enterprise intends to make an investment using credit means from working out a business-plan till the preparation of a credit application with all necessary documents to get investments both in banks and in other organizations which finance different projects. Financial liability of «Murmansk Financial Olymp» LTD is insured by VSK Insurance House “Military insurance company” in the amount of 1 000 000 rubles.
«Murmansk Financial Olymp» LTD - is a possibility to minimize loses of shareholders and to provide a stable development of a company. Tel.: (815-2) 25-72-72; 25-72-83 "The Industrial NORTH" magazine 2010
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